How to Remove Background in CorelDRAW: Step-by-Step Guide

Removing backgrounds from images is a frequent task for graphic designers, and CorelDRAW Graphics Suite provides a robust set of tools to accomplish this. Using CorelDRAW, you can remove the background from an image, creating a transparent area that allows the main subject to stand out. This can be essential for a variety of projects, including web design, marketing materials, and product catalogs. CorelDRAW offers different methods to suit various image types, whether you're dealing with complex backgrounds or straightforward, solid-color backdrops.

CorelDRAW's arsenal of features includes the PowerClip, PowerTRACE, and the Cutout Lab, each designed for different scenarios and levels of difficulty in background removal. The PowerTRACE function converts a bitmap image into a vector graphic, which can be particularly handy when working with logos and signs. The Cutout Lab, on the other hand, provides a more manual approach, allowing precise control over the selection and removal process. Understanding how to use these tools effectively can greatly enhance the efficiency of your workflow and the quality of your graphic outputs.

Key Takeaways

  • CorelDRAW's suite includes specialized tools for targeted background removal.
  • The software supports various background complexities with functions like PowerTRACE and Cutout Lab.
  • Mastery of these tools streamlines the design process and enhances the final image quality.

Preparation and Setup

Before one begins the process of background removal in CorelDRAW, they need to ensure that their workspace is primed for the task. Preparation and setup are crucial steps that facilitate a smoother editing process. Here's how to get started:

  1. Open CorelDRAW: Launch the CorelDRAW application. Ensure that you have the latest version to take advantage of any improved features for image editing.
  2. Create a New Document: Navigate to File > New to open a new document. Set the document properties such as the size and resolution to match the requirements of the image you're working with.
  3. Import the Image:
    • Go to File > Import or press Ctrl + I on your keyboard.
    • Browse to locate the image you aim to edit.
    • Click to select it and then press Import.
  4. Save Your Progress: To prevent loss of work, save the new document by clicking File > Save or using the shortcut Ctrl + S. Choose a proper file name and location for easy access later.
  5. Image Placement:
    • After importing, click where you want the top-left corner of the image to be placed.
    • Drag to the desired size or simply place it at the actual size.

By following these steps, the user's CorelDRAW environment will be adequately set up, with the image positioned and ready for the next stage which involves removing the background to meet the user's creative needs. It is important to note that working on a saved document will prevent potential data loss and ensure that changes can be made incrementally.

Understanding CorelDRAW Tools

CorelDRAW offers a robust suite of tools designed for precise image editing and graphic design. Whether removing image backgrounds or creating intricate illustrations, understanding these tools is paramount for optimal results.

Vector Vs. Bitmap

In CorelDRAW, two primary graphic types are fundamental: vector and bitmap. Vector graphics are made of scalable lines and curves known as paths, which are ideal for logos and illustrations because they maintain quality when scaled. In contrast, bitmap images consist of pixels and are used for detailed photography, but can lose quality if resized excessively.

Selection Tools

Selection tools are essential in CorelDRAW for isolating specific objects or image areas. Tools like the Magic Wand facilitate the selection of areas with similar colors, while the Lasso is used for freehand selection of images. CorelDRAW's selection tools are crucial for precision in editing and preparing vector objects for background removal.

The Masking Process

Masking involves creating a protective shield around the parts of an image that one wants to preserve. CorelDRAW's mask tool allows users to define this area accurately. One can use the Bitmap Color Mask tool to select color ranges, or utilize the Invert Mask option to switch the protected area, effectively separating subject from background.

Using PowerClip for Background Removal

PowerClip is a feature in CorelDRAW that lets designers place a vector object inside another object, creating a clipping effect. This can be used to effortlessly remove or substitute image backgrounds by placing the image inside a frame and then removing the external parts.

Leveraging PowerTRACE

PowerTRACE is CorelDRAW's in-built tracing feature that converts bitmap images into editable vector artwork. When you need to remove a background, PowerTRACE assists by creating a detailed outline trace of the subject, simplifying the creation of cutouts or preparing images for further refinement.

Working with Corel PHOTO-PAINT

Corel PHOTO-PAINT complements CorelDRAW with advanced photo editing capabilities. It offers tools like Color Select and the Background Eraser tool to assist in removing backgrounds from bitmaps. The results from PHOTO-PAINT can seamlessly integrate with CorelDRAW for a polished composite or cutout results.

Step-by-Step Background Removal

Creating a transparent background in CorelDRAW involves utilizing various tools and techniques to achieve a clean and professional look for your images. Each method requires attention to detail and an understanding of the software’s capabilities to effectively remove the background.

Transparent Background Techniques

The first approach to removing background is to convert the image into a bitmap and then use the Eraser tool. Choosing the right nib size is crucial as it determines the area the tool will affect. For broad erasure, a larger nib size can expedite the process, while a smaller nib is ideal for detail work. To initiate, one selects the object, right-clicks to convert it to a bitmap, and then opts for the Eraser tool, adjusting the nib size as necessary.

Precision Tools for Detailed Editing

For more detailed editing, CorelDRAW provides Precision Tools such as the Pencil tool. This can be used to draw a precise selection around the subject of the image. One can refine the selection edges by adjusting the Edit Color settings, or use the Refine Edge function to smoothen the borders. Toggling the visibility of certain colors can be done swiftly by using the Hide Colors option in the Bitmap Color Mask dialog.

Here's a brief outline of how to use the precision tools:

  1. Select the Pencil tool.
  2. Carefully draw around the element to be preserved.
  3. Use the Edit Color button to tweak the selection if required.

Advanced Color Masking

Lastly, Advanced Color Masking is used when dealing with complex images where colors blend together. Utilizing the Color Mask feature, one can create an alpha channel that isolates a particular color or range of colors within the image. The Eyedropper tool assists in selecting the exact color values to be masked. After selecting the range, the Erase function removes the specified colors, resulting in a transparent background that maintains the quality of the subject.

Refining Edges and Selections

When removing backgrounds in CorelDRAW, users often need to refine the selection for a clean cut. The process starts with the selection of the main subject using the Magic Wand tool, which identifies and selects parts of the image based on color similarity.

Tolerance is a crucial setting for the Magic Wand; it determines the range of colors selected. A higher tolerance value increases the selection range, while a lower value restricts it. Users should adjust this carefully to ensure that only the desired areas are selected.

Once the subject is selected, feathering can soften the edges. This technique creates a transition zone between the selection and the background, which can help integrate the subject smoothly into a new background. The Feather setting allows users to control the size of this transition zone.

If elements of the background remain, users may employ the Background Removal tool. This tool aids in refining the edge and ensures that no unwanted background sneaks into the final image.

At times, the desired selection may be the inverse of the initial selection made by the Magic Wand. Here, the Invert Selection option is valuable. It allows users to flip the selection, effectively selecting the background to remove, rather than the subject to keep.

Tool Use Case
Magic Wand Initial selection based on color similarity
Tolerance Adjustment of the Magic Wand's color selection range
Feather Softening the edges of the selection
Background Removal Additional edge refinement
Invert Selection Selecting the inverse area for easier background removal

Through careful adjustment of these tools, CorelDRAW users can achieve refined and precise edges, resulting in high-quality images with smoothly integrated subjects.

Finalizing and Saving the Image

Before finalizing the background removal process, the user must ensure that the adjustments made create a cohesive final image, and must also understand the correct procedures for saving their work to avoid loss of detail or quality.

Preview and Adjustment

To evaluate the accuracy of the background removal, one should use the preview function within CorelDRAW. This allows the user to scrutinize the transitions between the subject and the transparent background. Adjustments can be carried out by navigating to the relevant tools and tweaking edges or colors to maintain the high-quality image. If the graphic is a vector, slight modifications using the node-editing tools could be done for cleaner lines. For bitmap images, one may need to smoothen edges or remove remaining background specks for a refined look.

Saving the Image

When satisfaction is achieved with the image's state, it's crucial to save the file accordingly. For a bitmap image where continuous tone is important, saving as a .tif file might be best to preserve quality. In the case of vector graphics, CorelDRAW's default format (.cdr) would suit fine, while exporting as SVG or EPS might be preferable for compatibility with other vector software. One must ensure to select the appropriate options during the save or export process, which could include setting the resolution and choosing whether to save with a transparent background. The user should be thorough, as this stage will cement the image quality for future use.

For specific instructions on how to access and use the save or export functions within CorelDRAW, users can refer to tutorials like How to Remove an Image Background in CorelDRAW.

Additional Design Considerations

When removing backgrounds in CorelDRAW, designers must be vigilant about the impact on their overall composition, particularly if the subject is a logo. It's essential to maintain the integrity of the design while ensuring that it stands out against any new background.

Choosing the Right Fill Color:
Once the background is removed, the designer might want to add a new fill color. The Inside Fill Tool can be used to seamlessly add color, which is crucial when working with logos to match brand colors precisely.

  • Fill Color Selection:
    • Consistency: Ensure the fill color aligns with the design's color palette.
    • Contrast: High contrast can make the logo more prominent.

Incorporating Ellipse Shapes: Using ellipse or other geometric shapes to frame a logo can offer a clean, professional look. CorelDRAW's Ellipse Tool, for example, allows a designer to create perfect circle or ellipse shapes that can act as a boundary or an aesthetic element to enhance the logo.

  • Ellipse Integration:
    • Alignment: Ensure the ellipse aligns with the symmetry of the logo.
    • Proportion: The ellipse size should be proportionate to the logo.

Working with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite:
A thorough understanding of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite’s features allows designers to execute background removal without sacrificing the quality of the main subject. Using the suite's array of tools, designers can fine-tune their work, resulting in a seamless end product that appears intentional and professional.

By focusing on these design considerations, they can ensure that their graphics convey the desired message and aesthetic appeal after the background removal process.

Tips for Efficient Workflow

When using Corel Draw for background removal, the workflow can be greatly optimized through the strategic use of shortcuts, careful management of the property bar, and a good understanding of the tools at one's disposal. Here are several tips for maintaining an efficient workflow:

  • Shortcuts: Familiarity with keyboard shortcuts saves time. For example, pressing Ctrl + I allows a user to import images quickly. They should also learn other common shortcuts, such as Ctrl + Z for undoing actions.
  • Property Bar: The property bar offers quick access to relevant tools and settings for background removal. Users should make it a habit to look to the property bar for adjusting settings to suit the task at hand.
  • Additive Mode: When working with selection tools like the Magic Wand, using additive mode (holding down the Shift key) enables users to select multiple areas simultaneously. This is helpful when one wants to remove background colors that are scattered throughout the image.
  • Background Color Selection: Choose the background color wisely if it needs to be kept transparent or replaced. The choice of background color can affect the ease of removal, especially when using automated tools like the Magic Wand.

Here's a concise table that summarizes some efficient workflow strategies:

Action Tool/Feature Shortcut/Method
Import Image Import Command Ctrl + I
Undo Action Undo Command Ctrl + Z
Add to Selection Additive Mode Hold Shift + Click
Adjust Tool Settings Property Bar Click on Property Bar
Remove Background Color Magic Wand Click on Background

These methods will help anyone working in Corel Draw to remove backgrounds faster and with greater control over their projects. Efficiency is key, and with these tips, they can streamline their workflow in Corel Draw.

Application of Skills

Learning to competently remove backgrounds in CorelDRAW equips users with a versatile skill set for various design applications. From crafting unique logos to enhancing photographic materials, the proficiency in CorelDRAW's tools is imperative for high-quality output in graphic design projects.

Creating Logos

When designers embark on logo design, the clarity and crispness of vector graphics are essential. CorelDRAW enables the creation and manipulation of vector shapes, which is a keystone of professional logo creation. With background removal techniques, designers can isolate elements, facilitating the integration of intricate details into a logo. Mastering background removal in this vector-based software is a boon for their ability to craft clean and scalable logos.

Photo Editing and Enhancements

The realm of photo editing benefits greatly from the background removal skills in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. Designers can perform color correction and work on layering multiple images to create a final composition that looks seamless. Photo enhancement often requires the isolation of a subject from its background to make high-quality image adjustments or composite images. Corel PHOTO-PAINT's background removal tools are indispensable for graphic designers seeking to produce refined and professionally edited photographs.

Sharing and Collaboration

When using CorelDRAW for complex projects, users frequently need the capability to share their work and collaborate efficiently. CorelDRAW's built-in collaboration tools enable them to do this with ease. If a professional result is the goal, collaboration is often a part of the process to ensure the design is up to par with client expectations or team standards.

One begins by saving their document to CorelCLOUD, which allows for secure storage and easy access by collaborators. They may choose to save to CorelCLOUD through options in the file menu or by using icons designed for quick actions.

Collaborators can subscribe to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite to obtain access to cloud-sharing options available via, where they can share their designs with multiple people at once. The subscribers' collaborators need not purchase the full application; they can simply provide feedback in real-time through the browser application.

Steps for successful collaboration include:

  1. Save the design to CorelCLOUD.
  2. Invite collaborators via
  3. Collaborators view and comment on the design.
  4. Implement feedback and share updated versions.

CorelDRAW enhances cooperative workflows by presenting comments and edits in a seamless and real-time environment. This ensures that each contributing party can follow alterations closely and provide input that gets reflected in the professional results without delays. Users appreciate the efficient management of cloud files and collaboration, as it simplifies the design process and accelerates project completion.


With the flexibility that CorelDRAW offers, removing image backgrounds is achievable for users aiming for professional results. A user can import an image and utilize the Background Eraser Tool to isolate the subject. CorelDRAW's PowerClip feature assists in placing the subject into a new frame, providing a seamless transition to a new background.

Complex images may require the Refine Edge Tool to fine-tune the results, ensuring edges are smooth and the subject is cleanly cut out. Here's a concise recap of the steps typically involved:

  • Import the image.
  • Use the Background Removal tools.
  • Tweak the settings.
  • Isolate the subject.
  • Apply the changes.
  • Refine the edges if necessary.

It's crucial for users to save their progress regularly and set a consistent workflow, understanding that patience and practice enhance skill and precision over time. CorelDRAW helps users to create polished composites with no background distractions, which is essential for various design applications.

In summary, CorelDRAW is a powerful tool, with features that accommodate both novice and experienced designers. It remains an asset in graphic design for producing high-quality visual content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Removing the background in CorelDRAW is a straightforward process that enhances image versatility for graphic design projects. These FAQs aim to clarify common queries users may have about background removal in CorelDRAW.

What are the steps to make a background transparent in CorelDRAW?

To make a background transparent in CorelDRAW, one would typically start by importing the image into the program and then using the Image Trace feature to convert the background into an editable object. Techniques such as adjusting the trace settings and using the PowerTRACE utility can be vital in creating a precise transparency.

How can I cut out an image in CorelDRAW to remove its background?

Cutting out an image to remove its background involves using the 'Smart Selection' tool to select the main subject and then refining the edges for a clean finish. One may opt for the 'Mask' functionality to isolate and cut the desired area precisely.

What is the process for eliminating a background from a bitmap image in CorelDRAW?

Eliminating a background from a bitmap image in CorelDRAW generally involves using Corel PHOTO-PAINT, where one can employ the 'Cutout Lab' to trim the background. Master Corel Draw's Background Removal: Expert Tips & Tricks offers insights into advanced techniques.

How can one remove a specific background color from an image using CorelDRAW?

To remove a specific background color from an image, CorelDRAW’s 'Color Transparency' tool is useful for making a particular color transparent throughout the entire image. Precision is key for maintaining the quality of the subject.

In Corel PaintShop Pro, what is the method for background removal?

Corel PaintShop Pro employs several tools such as the 'Background Eraser' or the 'Magic Wand' to remove backgrounds. Adjusting tolerance and edge softness settings helps to distinguish the background from the foreground object, whereas the eraser tool can manually delete unwanted areas.

Is there a way to subtract text from a background within CorelDRAW?

Subtracting text from a background can be achieved by creating a text object and then using the 'Shaping' tools to subtract the text shape from the background object. This tool creates a transparent text shape that can be manipulated as needed.

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